Class 4 Lasers – The Gold Standard in Photobiomodulation

A class 4 laser emits a powerful beam of light that can burn skin and some materials. If you accidentally get your skin too close to a Class 4 laser, it will cause pain and possibly scarring. You should always use a safety hood and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe operation.

Is laser therapy legit?

Class 4 lasers are used by a wide variety of healthcare and medical professionals and are the gold standard in photobiomodulation therapy. Unlike low level and cold lasers, class 4 systems deliver significantly more power (24 Watts vs. 0.05 Watts) and are capable of achieving clinically significant results in a much shorter period of time.

When a laser is class 4, the wavelength and power must be tightly focused to prevent damage to surrounding tissue. Depending on the beam diameter, scattering and absorption characteristics, a laser can reach varying depths of tissue.

Unlike most other therapeutic modalities, laser therapy stimulates cellular processes that are responsible for the healing of damaged tissues and joints. During laser therapy, cells are stimulated to produce ATP, which is the energy that drives cellular metabolism and enzymatic responses. In addition to increasing cell function and producing ATP, laser therapy reduces inflammation, reduces pain, decreases swelling, increases range of motion, and provides a soothing thermal effect.

Most practitioners that add a class 4 laser to their practice find that patients quickly book packages of 10 or more treatments. The cost of each treatment is typically $40-$60 and many practitioners are able to develop a new cash based income stream in their practice.